Sabtu, 26 November 2022

Expressing Attention


Pernahkah kamu ingin membicarakan sesuatu kepada lawan bicara atau teman-teman kamu? Tetapi mereka sedang sibuk sendiri dan kamu butuh mereka untuk memperhatikan kamu agar mereka mendengarkan atau memperhatikan apa yang ingin kamu sampaikan dengan baik. Nah, ekspresi atau ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk meminta seseorang memfokuskan perhatiannya kepada kita atau sebaliknya itu biasa disebut dengan istilah Expression of Asking Attention. Sedangkan, ungkapan yang digunakan disaat kita memberikan respon dari seseorang yang menginginkan perhatian dari kita merupakan istilah dari Expression of Giving Attention.

Expression of Asking Attention 

Are you listening to me?!

Attention, please!

Can I get the attention! Thanks.

Can I have your attention, please?

Can you guys give me a couple minutes, please?

Can you listen up?

Did you hear me?

Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?

Excuse me!

Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you ….

Excuse me?

Excuse, me can you give me a second?

Ey, listen up!

Hello! – Halo!

Hey guys, let you know what I’ve got now.

Hey hey, look at me now!


Hey! Come here guys!

Hey, stop talking!

Let me get your attention, please!

Listen to me!

Look at me!

Look here.

Look what I got here!

Look what I’ve got here.


May I have your attention, please?

Okay, now listen up!

Please don’t be noise, attention please.


Shut up and listen to me!

Sorry to bother you.

Sorry to trouble you.

Stop talking guys, listen up!

Stop talking please…

Expression of Giving Attention

A ha… And then what?

And then what?

And then?

Are you kidding?

Are you serious?

Are you?

Can’t believe that!

Did you?

Haha, that’s was funny.


Hm, Okay.

How interesting! What’s next?

How it can be possible?!

I feel bad for that one.

I Don’t believe that!

I Don’t know!

I know what you mean. Is that all?

I Know!

I see. Tell me more about it.

I’m sorry to hear that.

Is that all?



Mmm… Oh, my God! What happens next?

Oh my god!

Oh, oh! Indeed?

Oh, that’s so bad.

Oh, yes. Really?


Stop, that was disgusting.

Tell me more about it.

Tell me more!

That’s alright

Well, well, well… Oh, no!

What an interesting story, tell me more!

What happens next?

What’s next?

Will you?

You really?

You sure?

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Asking and Giving Attention 

Percakapan 1

Rendy : May I have your attention, please? We have to collect the assignment on our teacher’s table now, have you finished it yet?

Andy : Yes, I have.

Giselle : Off course yes.

Ester : Unfortunately, I haven’t.

Rendy : What’s up with you, what did you do?

Ester : Sorry, I have lied, I did not bring my assignment. It was left at home.

Rendy : You have to write again, there will be enough time to it.

Ester : Do you want to wait me?

Rendy : Of course, hurry up, guys.

Ester : Thank you so much.


Rendy : Tolong saya minta perhatian Anda? Kami harus mengumpulkan tugas di meja guru kami sekarang, sudahkah Anda menyelesaikannya?

Andy : Ya, sudah.

Giselle : Tentu saja ya.

Ester : Sayangnya, saya belum.

Rendy : Ada apa denganmu, apa yang kamu lakukan?

Ester : Maaf, saya telah berbohong, saya tidak membawa tugas saya. Itu ditinggal di rumah.

Rendy : Anda harus menulis lagi, akan ada cukup waktu untuk itu.

Ester : Apakah kamu ingin menungguku?

Rendy : Tentu saja, cepatlah, teman-teman.

Ester : Terima kasih banyak.

Percakapan 2

Wildan : Will you hear my story?

Nadine : Yes, I will. What’s about?

Wildan : It is about our friend Dina. Listen to me!

Nadine : Okay!

Wildan : Dina asked me to join her to Batam next Sunday.

Nadine : And then?

Wildan : I confused because next week I will have my first test in my course.

Nadine : I see. Then?

Wildan : How to say to Dina if I can’t join her?

Nadine : Just say the true.

Wildan : Okay I will try.

Nadine : Look what I’ve got here.

Wildan : Why?

Nadine : What do you think about my new motorcycle?

Wildan : Wow! That’s a cool motorcycle. Next time I will borrow it with you.

Nadine : Yes, sure.


Wildan : Maukah kamu mendengarkan ceritaku?

Nadine : Ya, aku mau. Tentang apa?

Wildan : Ini tentang teman kita dina. Dengarkan aku!

Nadine : Oke!

Wildan : Dina memintaku ikut dengannya ke Batam minggu depan.

Nadine : Lalu?

Wildan : Aku bingung, minggu depan aku ada tes pertama di tempat kursusku.

Nadine : Ya aku tahu. Lalu?

Wildan : Bagaimana caranya aku bilang ke Dina aku tidak bisa ikut dengannya?

Nadine : Katakan saja sejujurnya.

Wildan : Oke, akan ku coba.

Nadine : Lihat apa yang saya punya di sini

Wildan : Kenapa?

Nadine : Bagaimana menurutmu tentang sepeda motor baruku ini?

Wildan : Wow! Itu bagus. Lain kali aku akan meminjamnya padamu.

Nadine : Ya, tentu.

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